Homeschool Memories

K said:
--Historical fiction in history. (This is always the first thing I think of when asked for favorites.)
--Field trips, specifically the East Coast trip. (This is the second thing.)
--The time line/century book idea.
--The lifestyle of learning. The fact that you and Daddy knew all of the answers to our questions. The love of learning.
--The confidence you instilled in me that I can learn/understand/do anything.
--The way you got excited to relearn calculus with me.
--I liked that typing tutor program we had, and it has served me well.
--I think it was very important that I wrote the senior research paper that I did. I think we could have done more writing in high school, since college is all about writing."

B said:
One of my memorable moments occurred when I took two classes at the public school. I thought my public-schooled peers were ahead of me academically. To my surprise, I shot straight to the top of my high school classes and it was then I realized that homeschool had prepared me better academically than public school would have. With homeschooling I was able to learn at my own pace which, while it varied between subjects, was overall vastly more effective than the public school environment would have allowed."


  1. Well you didn't tell me you were going to make a post of this! Let me think about it for a day or two and I am sure there are a few other things I'd want to mention. :)
    I KNOW I loved the days I was allowed to cook for math (doing a 1/2 or 2/3 or doubled recipe). Any way of making math not feel like math was a winner for me!

  2. I don't remember Ben taking two classes at the public school... Anyway, I had the same experience when I took two classes at the public school.

  3. What great feedback from your children!
